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Natural gas cooling

A natural choice!

Over the last decade, manufacturers made significant advances in developing and producing a  new generation of natural gas refrigeration, cooling, and humidity control equipment. As a result, today’s natural gas cooling options can offer:

  • Lower operating costs
  • Reduced demand charges
  • Quick payback on equipment purchases
  • Improved indoor air quality
  • A plentiful, domestic energy source
  • Innovative financing plans and rebates from manufacturers, local gas companies and government entities
  • Improved reliability of the electric grid, especially during the high summer demand period
  • A cleaner, healthier environment

As deregulation and new temperature-based electric utility pricing mechanisms such as “real-time pricing?become more prevalent, natural gas will likely prove to be an even more economical choice, particularly for hybrid cooling systems.

electric_meterNatural gas cooling helps reduce demand charges, frees consumers from higher summertime electric rates for cooling, and improves the reliability of the electric grid.

Click here to learn more.

Manufacturers offer a variety of sizes, types and configurations of cooling equipment for comfort cooling to the coldest refrigeration temperatures.

All major categories of gas cooling equipment are discussed in this site.  Additionally, we look at combined heat and power (CHP) systems for the highly efficient on-site joint production of electricity and thermal energy.  We examine how and where the technologies work, provide equipment specifications and available vendors, and share the stories of real-world applications.

Large Chiller & Gas Heat Pump Tool

 Informational Downloads

 New Magazine

Gas Cooling Guide


 Electric Infrstructure Study


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