Advantages and Applications of Refrigeration
In the following case studies, we look at some real-world examples of how these technologies are helping food processors, ice rinks and others control costs and maintain quality.
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Natural gas for flexibility and savings — Schwan’s Super Rink Blaine, MN
Natural gas engine-driven chiller and desiccant dehumidification fueled by engine waste heat keep ice and air clear and costs down.
Aquamar, Inc. was so impressed with the savings delivered by their new natural gas engine-driven refrigeration system that they also added a gas fueled Combined Heat and Power (CHP) cogeneration system.
Substantial operating savings and short paybacks convince Southern California Edison customer to install natural gas engine-driven screw compressors as a solution to its high real-time pricing rate.
Natural gas refrigeration offers these important advantages:
- Lower operating costs
- Variable speed for efficient partial load operation
- Engine heat recovery for domestic hot water and other thermal energy needs
- Lower maintenance
- Longer operating life
- Environmentally friendly
- Initial costs quickly offset by energy savings
A single natural gas engine-driven ammonia compressor proves worth for California food processor.
Engine-driven compressors operating during daytime peak operating hours in tandem with electric compressors at night and off-peak provide substantial operating cost savings.
Natural gas engine-driven chiller and desiccant dehumidification fueled by engine waste heat keep ice and air clear and costs down.