Commercial |

Gas cooling and refrigeration options for commercial establishments help cut energy coststechnology_city sunset

Electric cooling can take a big bite out of the energy budget of commercial and institutional building owners.  As the electric industry deregulates and restructures, predictions are that new pricing mechanisms will lower off-peak and overall electric costs while threatening even higher summer on-peak rates.  Since much of a building’s cooling load occurs during on-peak periods, this is bad news for businesses with significant cooling needs.

New natural gas air conditioning and refrigeration options are now available that can help owners and managers of office and apartment buildings, hospitals and other healthcare facilities, hotels, schools, retail establishments, and supermarkets manage their energy cost for cooling.

Whether cooling solely with natural gas equipment or in tandem with electric, steam or hot water in a hybrid system, today’s natural gas absorption, engine-drive, and steam-turbine drive chillers give superior performance, reliability, flexibility and economy.  Teamed with heat recovery technology, desiccant dehumidification, gas-fired humidification and combined heat and power systems, natural gas cooling equipment offers a complete package of comfort and efficiency.

The technology links to the right on this page provide more information about the different options available and how each can be applied to the cooling needs in commercial and institutional buildings.


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