Applications |

Commercial Applications

In the following case studies, we look at some real-world examples of how these technologies are helping businesses control costs and maintain quality.

South Jersey Healthcare — Bridgeton, NJ

Noise can be a problem in a hospital environment.  So can high and fluctuating energy costs.  A new hybrid chiller system cured both problems at South Jersey Healthcare.

Pierce College Faces Comfort Challenge — Los Angeles, CA

With temperatures reaching 108o, air conditioning is essential to foster a productive learning environment.  A hybrid chiller plant with natural gas absorption and electric centrifugal chillers answered the need on a sprawling and growing campus.

Bulova Corporate Center — Queens, NY

Bulova watches as engine-driven chillers eliminate demand charges and provide free hot water for the health spa, fitness facility, swimming pool, art museum, conference center and retail space at its corporate center.

Hybrid Electric-Steam Chiller Plant Cools Maryland Basketball Arena — College Park, MD

College scores a win by using excess steam from its cogen plant to meet variable cooling load of its multi-purpose facility with electric and steam turbine drive centrifugal chillers.

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